In order to better understand what the coaches are working on with your child/children, we have provided a series of resources that we hope will help explain the sport of diving and some of the movements that are important.

The following document has been prepared by Diving Plongeon Canada ( and provides a good overview of the following topics:

  • History of Diving
  • Diving Points System
  • What to Watch For
  • Positions & Types of Dives
  • Specifics of Competitive Diving
  • Terminology

Click here to open the Diving 101 PDF file.

One of the skills that you will see the coaches and divers working on often is the Hurdle. To better understand the mechanics of the Hurdle and it's importance to a diver, we have included a video clip of Dr. Jeff Huber (U.S. Olympic Diving coach in 2000 & 2004) discussing the Hurdle.


Here is another video with Dr. Jeff Huber talking about the importance of form in a tuck or pick dive.


In this video, Dr. Jeff Huber talks about the importance of the entry.
